Saturday, November 3, 2007


The mad scientists had his eyes checked.

He discovered his vision is degrading. Sad.

The more meaningful revelation is that it is degrading from 20/10 to 20/15 and there's really no reason to correct it. The mad scientists still sees in age better than most individuals with corrected vision ever have.

It's the discomfort with the loss of exceptional vision and its transition to merely outstanding vision that has prompted a concern.

The mad scientists feels like an idiot. He just needs to get used to not seeing as well as he did 20 years ago. Moron.

Back to the work. Jesus needs to come to terms with Hays, Kansas. Mad Scientist needs to come to terms with the pyhsical consequences of aging that have not hinderance effect whatsoever.

We're not needing the thousand yard stare much anymore. It just scares the locals.

Maybe Jesus should scare the locals, too.

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